School News KG Suleimaniah Students Enjoy Color Activity KG 1 students in Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, participated in a coloring... Grade 4 at Suleimaniah visit Azadi Park On November 3, 2018, Grade 4 students at Suleimaniah International school, a SABIS® PPP School in Kurdistan took a... Suleimaniah celebrate Flag Day On December 17, 2018, Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan held a school-wide... Suleimaniah Students Enjoy Picnic On May 5, 2018, students in Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, were rewarded for... Suleimaniah Students Enjoy Movie Day On January 13, 2018 students in Grade 6 in Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan,... Suleimaniah KG Students Enjoy Learning Activity On January 13, 2018, KG 2 students in Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan,... Suleimaniah Celebrates Flag Day Students in Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, celebrated Flag Day on December 17,... Suleimaniah Students Participate in My City Clean and Green Project Grade 5 students in Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, participated in the My City... Grade 6 Students at Suleimaniah Go Skating On April 1, 2017, Grade 6 students and staff at Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school, enjoyed an... Shadow Teachers® at Suleimaniah Attend Workshop On February 5, 2017, Shadow Teachers® at Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan,... < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >