Suleimaniah Encourages Students on English SABIS® AMS
Starting on November 9, 2016, students in grades 4 to 6 at Suleimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, were rewarded for getting excellent remarks on their English SABIS® AMS tests.
After every SABIS® AMS, students who earned a 95% or above in English were announced by the AQC and SLC in front of the other students and given a present. The present was materials to build model houses. Afterwards, the students took photos, which were placed on a board titles “Look Who’s in Our English House.” The students’ names will remain on the board for the rest of the year, hopefully filling the board with all the students’ pictures by the end.
The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to study hard and earn good results on their SABIS® AMS. It also was a good method of highlighting what students would be good peer tutors to others who needed extra help. “I am so proud to see my picture in the house. I will help my friends study so that they can join us,” said a student. To visit the gallery of the event, please click here