KG 2 Students at Sulaimaniah Engage in Exciting Game Day
KG 2 student at Sulaimaniah International School, a SABIS® PPP school in Kurdistan, enjoyed a day full of activities on January 14, 2017.
All KG 2 students were invited to be at school at 9:00 a.m., where they were welcomed by the Activities Coordinator, teachers, and supervisors. The students were then divided into two groups before starting to play. The groups competed against each other in many games such as an obstacle course. After playing, the students all sat together for a picnic outside.
The purpose of this activity was to give young students a chance to bond with one another and create lifelong friendships with their school mates. “It was a beautiful day and a fun way for students to learn to play together,” said a teacher. To visit the gallery of the event, please click here.